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Summer on Ithaca  -  Festivals  -  Dances  -  Concerts  -  Performances

Anoghi Panighiri

Saturday 14th August 2004

In August there are so many village Festivals that one could easily resemble the other, and in many ways they do.  The X factor that sets each of them apart to make them unique, is the mood and kefi of the people who come. Everyone who traveled to the top of Ithaki made their night worth the journey up into the cloud covered village of Anoghi, the eerie and isolated mountain village that low-lying Ithacans generally forget about except at Panighiri time or in winter when its' peaks and roof tops are covered in snow.   At 11pm, the announcements were made and the band with no name, got straight into it.  They get better and more confident with the audiences each time they play and tonight they had them eating out of their hands.  When they said  "dance" everyone danced.  A real community feel to this Panighiri.  Great fun!

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A big cloud covered the mountain top and a cool wind blew around the peaks, but as the band began to play Anoghi heated up quickly.

Early in the night is a good chance to catch up with friends

10 out of 10 for Ithakis Dancing Olympics.  Anoghi gets into the













This 'back of the head' tried to rally up support to have my camera smashed.  No takers. Oh dear.

Eager to dance

People from Kioni to Vathy come for the fun

Sleepy Anoghi turns into the hub of activity.  People spread throughout the village Square infuse Anoghi with great Spirit and good times for all.

Taxis transport people back and forth and as the night goes on, each corner of Anoghi is crammed with people eating, drinking and dancing where they stand.

Hyannis Andrianatos is invited up on stage and sings a vibrant collection of songs.

Are these people tall or did I fall over?

The night is only just beginning.  For some Cheek to Cheek go to page 2

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